Ung i Bærekraft (UiBK) er en forening stifitet med en visjon om å være den foretrukne bærekraftsarenaen for fremtidens beslutningstakere. UiBK skal være et sted for nettverksbygging og deling av kunnskap og erfaringer. Som unge i et næringsliv preget av økt omstillings- og kompetansebehov, ser Ung i Bærekraft verdien av å bringe sammen engasjerte folk som jobber med bærekraft i ulike bransjer.

De arrangerer treff for deres medlemmer minst en gang i kvartalet. Til hvert arrangement inviterer de kunnskapsrike og engasjerende foredragsholdere for å gi medlemmene faglig påfyll og oppdateringer rundt trendene innenfor feltet. Samtidig mener de at den største verdien for medlemmene ligger i kunnskapsdelingen dem imellom.

Nordic Circular Hotspot (NCH) is a partner-driven collaboration programme working to accelerate the circular transition in the Nordics. It facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing and adoption of circular economy solutions through projects, events and initiatives. The NCH is a central point of contact and knowledge about the circular initiatives within all of the Nordic countries and brings together key Nordic businesses, organisations and entities to work together for a sustainable and circular future.

We are very excited to partner with ESG People and support their mission of providing the green shift with the resource it most needs: people who are skilled and passionate about creating a sustainable future. For us to reach our overall sustainability goals, it's increasingly important to have an understanding of the circular economy and it's great to welcome ESG People to our Nordic network of companies and organisations working to accelerate the circular transition.

ZERO was established  in 2002 and is an independent, non-profit organization that works in partnership across sectors and systems to fight climate change. For over 20 years ZERO has been a driver of zero emission solutions. ZERO is politically independent, has an analytical and knowledge-based approach, and gains knowledge through continuous cooperation with external actors across business sectors, research, policy and organisational networks. We prioritize the actions and solutions that generate the greatest possible effect. This means significant emission reductions in the short term, and/or enabling societal transformations towards a shared zero emission goal.